
Professional Customized One-stop Internet Information System Service Provider


YY Software is affiliated to Changchun Xiangyu Network Technology Co., Ltd., and is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to mobile internet technology services. It is positioned as a one-stop internet information system service provider, with businesses including APP development, WeChat development, website development, system development, etc. We pursue professionalism and provide comprehensive information solutions for enterprises, assisting and helping enterprise users to enhance their own profitability through the charm of internet technology, achieving a win-win situation. Since its establishment in 2004, the company has successively received honors such as: National High-tech Enterprise, Enterprise 3A Credit, Software Enterprise Certification, National Torch Program Enterprise Certificate, etc.


QQ:316927000 79631230


Contact Customer Service


CQ9 Series Version - Online Demo

Welcome to test, if you have any feedback on game graphics, functionality, etc., please email to yyswnet@foxmail.com. We sincerely look forward to your feedback and also welcome you to contact us for game customization and other collaborations.


Cooperation Mode and Pricing

Game Platform Source Code One-time Purchase + Installation and Deployment: We will install the game platform to your server once and will not participate in your future game operation and revenue sharing. Price::8000.USD-16000.USD.

After you place an order, we will open a server and deploy the games you need, and jointly promote and operate the games with you. Price: 2000.USD/month + 40% of total game revenue sharing。

After you select the games you need, we will reorganize and deploy the games, which takes 5 to 7 days including testing. For customers who purchase the platform source code, you can optionally pay a maintenance fee of 300.USD/month. If you are an agency cooperation customer, we will provide free maintenance permanently during the cooperation period.